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  • Age 11 - 12
  • Hours 1 - 1.5



Eelnevad teadmised:õhukoostis, õhk ja taimed( fotosüntees, hapnik, süsihappegaas). Õpilased oskavad nimetada lennuvõimeliste liikide kohastumusi, tuua näiteid. Oskavad töötada grupis.


1.In the previous lesson the students have prepared the presentations on the topic - Flying species. Group work (groups of 4-5), collaborative writing, creating the presentation. Subject matter of the presentations: adaptations of birds, mammals and insects to live in the air, flight styles (e.g.gliding). Students have read the article: 1.Two or three groups of students present their work to the rest of the class 2.Feedback on the presentations and acquisition of knowledge Students use They write on the wall as many different animal species (birds,mammals,insects) adaptations as possible and they add some pictures. 3.Pair work, discussion. Students fill in the worksheet, they do the matching task. Students match the bird to its description and flight style.They search for the information on the Internet. 4.Using tablets students read numbered QR codes. Each QR code contains the picture of the bird on the worksheet. Students move around in the classroom and in the corridor, they read the QR codes and match the numbers of the QR codes to the birds on the worksheet. 5.Checking the answers with the help of the presentation made by the teacher


  • acquire knowledge about evolutionary adaptation to live in the air and adaptations to fly knowledge about evolutionary adaptation to live in the air and adaptations to fly
  • to acquire skills of group work and skills of searching for the information on the Internet
  • to improve reading skills
  • to motivate students to move

Tööriistad ja varustus

  • QR code reader
  • pic.collage
  • environment



Students using pic.collage make poster withe the main ideas and pictures of the birds.